Burg Eltz Address and Contact Number

Burg Eltz Contact Phone Number is : +49 2672 950500

and Address is Burg Eltz, Münstermaifeld, Germany
Burg Eltz is the castle located in the hills above the Moselle River between Koblenz and Trier, Germany and was built during the medieval period. It is owned by the generation of the Family who has been residing here since 12th century. Burg Eltz along with Castle of Lissingen are the only castles on the left bank of the Rhine in Rhineland-Palatinate which have never faced destruction. The Rübenach and Rodendorf families' homes are accessible to the public. The castle is bordered by the Elzbach River on three sides. The address and contact number of Burg Eltz is also used for Burg Eltz tours, Burg Eltz castle map, Burg Eltz Wikipedia and Burg Eltz castle history. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Burg Eltz is mentioned in below section.

Address of Burg Eltz

The address of Burg Eltz is Burg Eltz, Münstermaifeld, Germany.

Contact Number of Burg Eltz

The contact number of Burg Eltz is +49 2672 950500.

Email Address of Burg Eltz

The email address of Burg Eltz is burg@eltz.org.

Website of Burg Eltz

The Website of Burg Eltz is www.burg-eltz.de.

Burg Eltz Source of Knowledge

Burg Eltz Address Contact Number
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