Budweiser Gardens Address and Contact Number

Budweiser Gardens Contact Phone Number is : 519-667-5700

and Address is 99 Dundas Street, London, Ontario N6A 6K1, Canada
Budweiser Gardens is a multipurpose Stadium cum exhibition hall, previously it was known with the name of John Labatt Centre or JLC. It was opened in 2002 and was named on John Labatt. It is the home of the two Sports team namely London Knights and London Lightning play in Ontario Hockey League and National Basketball League of Canada respectively. Its seating capacity can be expanded to over 10,000. Budweiser Gardens can hold touring Broadway shows or smaller concerts in its theatre mode. It has won the award "Canadian Venue of the Year". The address and contact number of Budweiser Gardens is also used for Budweiser Gardens seating chart, Budweiser Gardens concerts, Budweiser Gardens parking, Budweiser Gardens jlc and Budweiser Gardens seating. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Budweiser Gardens is mentioned in below section.

Address of Budweiser Gardens

The address of Budweiser Gardens is 99 Dundas Street, London, Ontario N6A 6K1, Canada.

Contact Number of Budweiser Gardens

The contact number of Budweiser Gardens is 519-667-5700.

Email Address of Budweiser Gardens

The email address of Budweiser Gardens is .

Website of Budweiser Gardens

The Website of Budweiser Gardens is www.budweisergardens.com.

Budweiser Gardens Source of Knowledge

Budweiser Gardens Address Contact Number
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