Brfl Address and Contact Number

Brfl Contact Phone Number is : +91 22 39858800

and Address is D1st Floor, Oberoi Gardens Estate, Chandivali, Mumbai 400072, Maharashtra, India
BRFL is an imperative textile Company. It stands for BomBay Rayon Fashions Ltd. The Company manufactures fabrics and garments. BomBay Rayon Fashions Limited was established in 1986. The Company manufacturers various cloths and accessories such as apparels, yarn, garment buttons and garment accessories. The address and contact number of Brfl is also used for Brfl Tarapur, Brfl jobs, Brfl Islampur, Brfl News, Brfl Moneycontrol, Brfl logo and Brfl Bhiwandi. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Brfl is mentioned in below section.

Address of Brfl

The address of Brfl is D1st Floor, Oberoi Gardens Estate, Chandivali, Mumbai 400072, Maharashtra, India.

Contact Number of Brfl

The contact number of Brfl is +91 22 39858800.

Email Address of Brfl

The email address of Brfl is

Website of Brfl

The Website of Brfl is

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Brfl Address Contact Number
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