Boston University School of Law Address and Contact Number

Boston University School of Law Contact Phone Number is : +1 617-353-3151

and Address is 765 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, MA 02215, United States
Boston University School of Law is a private Law School. It was founded in 1872. It is affiliated to Boston University. The School is one of the oldest Law Schools in the US that serves Education without any discrimination for race and gender. It is also the member of American Bar Association. The School is on the position of 26th in USNWR ranking. Boston University School of Law offers concentration in following courses Business Organizations and Finance Law, health Law, Intellectual Property Law, Transactional Law etc. Apart from this it also runs dual degree Programs, LL.M. Programs etc. The address and contact number of Boston University School of Law is also used for Boston University School of Law ranking, Boston University School of Law registrar, Boston University School of Law alumni, Boston University School of Law class profile, Boston University School of Law tuition and Boston University School of Law academic calendar. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Boston University School of Law is mentioned in below section.

Address of Boston University School of Law

The address of Boston University School of Law is 765 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, MA 02215, United States.

Contact Number of Boston University School of Law

The contact number of Boston University School of Law is +1 617-353-3151.

Email Address of Boston University School of Law

The email address of Boston University School of Law is .

Website of Boston University School of Law

The Website of Boston University School of Law is

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Boston University School of Law Address Contact Number
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