Bhorer Barta Address and Contact Number

Bhorer Barta Contact Phone Number is : (033) 2424 7262

and Address is 58, Charu Avenue, 2nd floor, West Bengal, India
Bhorer Barta is a daily Bengali Newspaper started its operation in June 2011 from Kolkata with aim of 2.50lakhs readers. The Newspaper focuses on all important Political, Sports, District and Regional News. The Newspaper also offers advertisement facilities on normal charges. The address and contact number of Bhorer Barta is also used for Bhorer Barta Newspaper, Bhorer Barta online, Bhorer Barta Bengali News paper, Bhorer Barta Bengali daily, Bhorer Barta E paper and Bhorer Kagoj. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bhorer Barta is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bhorer Barta

The address of Bhorer Barta is 58, Charu Avenue, 2nd floor, West Bengal, India.

Contact Number of Bhorer Barta

The contact number of Bhorer Barta is (033) 2424 7262.

Email Address of Bhorer Barta

The email address of Bhorer Barta is

Website of Bhorer Barta

The Website of Bhorer Barta is

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Bhorer Barta Address Contact Number
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Mr. gunjankumar guptaAug 14, 2015
Gunjan Kumar gupta at -vill-mahugawan , po+ps-pandu. Disict-palamua. Jharkand.
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