Bhavana Address and Contact Number

Bhavana Contact Phone Number is : 9444900048, 9843110338

and Address is Nellangara, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Karthika Menon is known by its stage name Bhavana and also known by Thakkidu. She is an emerging Indian Cinema actress. She has done Movies mostly in south Indian languages. She was born on 6 June 1986 and right from her childhood she wanted to be an actress. She has been rewarded with numerous awards like Film fare Award, South, Asianet Film Award, Kerala State Film Award etc. She debuted in the year 2002 and has done almost every major Movie. The address and contact number of Bhavana is also used for Bhavana photos, Bhavana gallery, Bhavana Facebook, Bhavana pictures and Bhavana Anoop Menon. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bhavana is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bhavana

The address of Bhavana is Nellangara, Thrissur, Kerala, India.

Contact Number of Bhavana

The contact number of Bhavana is 9444900048, 9843110338.

Email Address of Bhavana

The email address of Bhavana is .

Website of Bhavana

The Website of Bhavana is .

Contact Person of Bhavana

The contact person of Bhavana is Bhavana.
Bhavana Address Contact Number
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