Bcas Mumbai Address and Contact Number

Bcas Mumbai Contact Phone Number is : +9102261377600, Fax: +912261377666

and Address is 7, Jolly Bhavan - 2, New Marine Lines, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020, India
BomBay chartered accountant’s Society abbreviated as BCAS was established on 6th July, 1949 which is located at new marine’s lines, Mumbai. BCAS has more than 9000 employees which are working throughout the world. The organization is a standard-centred and learning platform which is Famous for providing quality servICE along with integrity in the field of the chartered accountancy. It acts like a catalyst which has brought more advanced Government Laws and policies in order to achieve reliable and effective administration and supremacy. BCAS involves in several miscellany actions such as BCA journal, Representations, BCAS Website, BCAS web TV, Publications, free advisory clinics and Educational activities. BCAS is having three clinics i.e. RTI clinic, Accounts & Audit Clinic and charitable trust clinic which helps people in such fields. The organization have also indulged themselves in several Educational activities like Seminars, Study circles, distant learning Programmes through which people are able to sort out their Educational issues. The Website BCAS serves the purpose of knowledge platform for the professionals and also provide actual information to the viewers. BCAS always publishes a reference with a CD annually which acts like an obligatory tool for the Businesses as well as professionals. Several other books are also being published by the organization in various topics. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bcas Mumbai is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bcas Mumbai

The address of Bcas Mumbai is 7, Jolly Bhavan - 2, New Marine Lines, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020, India.

Contact Number of Bcas Mumbai

The contact number of Bcas Mumbai is +9102261377600, Fax: +912261377666.

Email Address of Bcas Mumbai

The email address of Bcas Mumbai is cosca.bcas@nic.in.

Website of Bcas Mumbai

The Website of Bcas Mumbai is www.bcasonline.org.

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Bcas Mumbai Address Contact Number
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