Barclays Bank Kings Lynn Address and Contact Number

Barclays Bank Kings Lynn Contact Phone Number is : 08457 555 555

and Address is 91-92 High Street, Kings Lynn Norfolk, PE30 1BL
Barclays is one of the most Famous banking companies. The Company main headquarter is in London. It has many operations more than 50 countries. It is mainly deals with retail, wholesale, investment banking, wealth management, and Credit Cards. It was founded in 1690.The main headquarter is located in One Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom.

The Barclays Kings Lynn is located in 91-92 streets, Kings Lynn, Norfolk. The timings for the Lynn Branch is 9 am to 5pm and the bank will closed on very sunday.The net Income of the Barclays is approximately 1.401 pound and the number of Employees in the Barclays is 139,900 as per 2013 census. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Barclays Bank Kings Lynn is mentioned in below section.

Address of Barclays Bank Kings Lynn

The address of Barclays Bank Kings Lynn is 91-92 High Street, Kings Lynn Norfolk, PE30 1BL.

Contact Number of Barclays Bank Kings Lynn

The contact number of Barclays Bank Kings Lynn is 08457 555 555.

Email Address of Barclays Bank Kings Lynn

The email address of Barclays Bank Kings Lynn is .

Website of Barclays Bank Kings Lynn

The Website of Barclays Bank Kings Lynn is

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Barclays Bank Kings Lynn Address Contact Number
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