Barbie Forteza Address and Contact Number

Barbie Forteza Contact Phone Number is :

and Address is Biñan, Laguna, Philippines
Barbie Forteza is a Filipina model,actress.Barbie Forteza was born on July 31, 1997. She is known for her characters in Stairway To Heaven and Cyndi Gomez in First Time. Barbie Forteza has been awarded with the New Movie Actress of the year in the 26th PMPC Star Awards for the indie film Puntod. The address and contact number of Barbie Forteza is also used for Barbie Forteza instagram, Barbie Forteza School, Barbie Forteza profile, Barbie Forteza twitter, Barbie Forteza biography, Barbie Forteza and Derrick Monasterio and Barbie Forteza Movies and tv shows. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Barbie Forteza is mentioned in below section.

Address of Barbie Forteza

The address of Barbie Forteza is Biñan, Laguna, Philippines.

Contact Number of Barbie Forteza

The contact number of Barbie Forteza is .

Email Address of Barbie Forteza

The email address of Barbie Forteza is .

Website of Barbie Forteza

The Website of Barbie Forteza is .

Barbie Forteza Address Contact Number
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