Bank Hapoalim Address and Contact Number

Bank Hapoalim Contact Phone Number is : 972-3-6501155

and Address is Bank Hapoalim Ltd P.O.B. 27 50 Rothschild Blvd Tel Aviv Israel
Bank Hapoalim is known as the largest bank in Israel. Bank Hapoalim was established in Israel in 1921. Bank Hapoalim runs 270 full-servICE branches, eight regional Business centers, 23 Business branches and industry desks for major corporate customers. The address and contact number of Bank Hapoalim is also used for Bank Hapoalim headquarters, Bank Hapoalim branches, Bank Hapoalim online, Bank Hapoalim hours of operation, Bank Hapoalim careers, Bank Hapoalim iban, Bank Hapoalim login English and Bank Hapoalim swift code. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bank Hapoalim is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bank Hapoalim

The address of Bank Hapoalim is Bank Hapoalim Ltd P.O.B. 27 50 Rothschild Blvd Tel Aviv Israel.

Contact Number of Bank Hapoalim

The contact number of Bank Hapoalim is 972-3-6501155.

Email Address of Bank Hapoalim

The email address of Bank Hapoalim is .

Website of Bank Hapoalim

The Website of Bank Hapoalim is

Bank Hapoalim Source of Knowledge
Bank Hapoalim Address Contact Number
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Bank Hapoalim User Reports

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Mr. Nathan ShacharAug 16, 2020
I spent the whole morning trying to get in touch with Bank Hapoalim. First I drove for half an hour to the Mevaseret Branch. I was not admitted because I had not not reserved an appointment. I then tried hard for two hours to reach them by the phone number they had given. When I finally got a live person on the other end, I was told my accounts - two - could not be located or confirmed. The good news was that I could fax a complaint I answered that I had not faxed, indeed had not seen a fax machine, for ten years. Nota Bene: This is not an isolated event. Bank Hapoalim, toghether with the National Insurance Institute, is the most disliked service-giver in Israel. To deal with it is like dealing with Soviet authorities in the 1960s. Nathan Shachar
ID 013859178.
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Ms. Pauline Ruth MillerAug 02, 2016
Can't get Bank Hapoalim (Israel Head Office) IBAN or their e-mail address. Can't transfer funds from my New Zealand bank to Bank Hapoalim.
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