Bangla Academy Kolkata Address and Contact Number

Bangla Academy Kolkata Contact Phone Number is : 033 23378130

and Address is 160 Manicktala Main Road, Block B/5; Flat no 3, Purbasha Housing Estate, Kolkata -700054
Bangla Academy is an association of bangla language poets and writers. Main motive of this association is to spread the bangla literature and culture. Bangla Academy also takes steps to uncover the hidden talent in rural areas of Bengal. The address and contact number of Bangla Academy Kolkata is also used for Paschimbanga Bangla Academy Kolkata, Bangla Academy dictionary, Bangla Academy books, Bangla Academy book list, Bangla Academy award 2013, Bangla Academy dictionary pdf and Bangla Academy National. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bangla Academy Kolkata is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bangla Academy Kolkata

The address of Bangla Academy Kolkata is 160 Manicktala Main Road, Block B/5; Flat no 3, Purbasha Housing Estate, Kolkata -700054.

Contact Number of Bangla Academy Kolkata

The contact number of Bangla Academy Kolkata is 033 23378130.

Email Address of Bangla Academy Kolkata

The email address of Bangla Academy Kolkata is

Website of Bangla Academy Kolkata

The Website of Bangla Academy Kolkata is

Bangla Academy Kolkata Source of Knowledge
Bangla Academy Kolkata Address Contact Number
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Bangla Academy Kolkata User Reports

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Mr. Rion HaqueJul 08, 2013
I am a Bangladeshi novel writer. I have four Bangla novels published in the last four years. Last month I had my first English novel published from USA. I want to reach the readers of Kolkata. How do I do the publicity of my English novel? This book is available on line at books or Barnes and Nobel.
Please advice me.
The name of the book is Nowhere Man by Ripon Haque. You can look it up in the internet.
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