Aylin Aslim Address and Contact Number

Aylin Aslim Contact Phone Number is : (0533) 730 1281

and Address is 7811, Sogutozu, Ankara, Turkey.
Aylin Aslim is a Turkish singer, songwriter and actress. She sang in several rock and electronica bands in several night clubs in Istanbul. Her first album Gelgit, released in 2001, was more of an electronic album. However, she switched back to rock in her later releases, one of which is her second album, "Gulyabani", which was released in 2005. She is one of the Turkish-German singer, songwriter, and actress who has gained fame for her many albums including Canini Seven Kacsin and Zumruduanka. As of mid 2010s, Aslim lives in Kas, where she owns the Gagarin Bar.In November 2020 she married Utku Vargi. On 23 April 2021, she gave birth to her first child Orman Umut Çaglan. Currently she is living a normal life away from her fame and singing. She will be soon to be comeback with another hits. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Aylin Aslim is mentioned in below section.

Address of Aylin Aslim

The address of Aylin Aslim is 7811, Sogutozu, Ankara, Turkey..

Contact Number of Aylin Aslim

The contact number of Aylin Aslim is (0533) 730 1281.

Email Address of Aylin Aslim

The email address of Aylin Aslim is kazimcagdas@gmail.com.

Website of Aylin Aslim

The Website of Aylin Aslim is Not known.

Contact Person of Aylin Aslim

The contact person of Aylin Aslim is Kazim Cagdas (Manager).

Aylin Aslim Source of Knowledge

Not known
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