Angela Groothuizen Address and Contact Number

Angela Groothuizen Contact Phone Number is : +31 07554911204

and Address is 6862 GK, Oosterbeek, Gelderland Netherlands.
Angela Groothuizen is a Dutch singer and television personality. Her initial fame came as a member of the Dolly Dots. Groothuizen is best known for her songs "Love Me Just A Little Bit More" and "She's A Liar" as a member of the girl group Dolly Dots. Groothuizen has been a panel judge on several Dutch talent shows, including Dutch X Factor since 2008 and The Voice of Holland from 2010 to 2012. Groothuizen toured the Netherlands in 2010 with her show Label, which included songs by Dutch writers and Leonard Cohen. Angela is straightforward, knows how to hold all the strings in her hands and commands respect. At the same time she is extremely friendly, ad rem, has a sense of humour and is cheerful. Angela Groothuizen's popularity is ranked 37/100 on Chartmetric. Groothuizen has since moved to commercial television as a panel judge on talent show programs, particularly in Dutch X Factor since 2008. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Angela Groothuizen is mentioned in below section.

Address of Angela Groothuizen

The address of Angela Groothuizen is 6862 GK, Oosterbeek, Gelderland Netherlands..

Contact Number of Angela Groothuizen

The contact number of Angela Groothuizen is +31 07554911204.

Email Address of Angela Groothuizen

The email address of Angela Groothuizen is

Website of Angela Groothuizen

The Website of Angela Groothuizen is

Contact Person of Angela Groothuizen

The contact person of Angela Groothuizen is Stock Aitken Waterman.

Angela Groothuizen Source of Knowledge
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