Andri Eleftheriou Address and Contact Number

Andri Eleftheriou Contact Phone Number is : +357 96 003473

and Address is 12 Mavrovouniou, Kalavasos 7740, Cyprus
Andri Eleftheriou is a Cypriot sport shooter, and a member of the women's national shooting team of Cyprus. Eleftheriou was born in Limassol. In 2006, she won the skeet shooting gold medal at the Melbourne Commonwealth Games. With an HPI of 0.00, Andri Eleftheriou is the 5th most famous Cypriot Athlete. Her biography has been translated into different languages. Andri Eleftheriou (born 19 June 1984) is a Cypriot sport shooter, and a member of the women's national shooting team of Cyprus. Eleftheriou was born in Limassol. She is a Cypriot sport shooter, and a member of the women's national shooting team of Cyprus. Eleftheriou was born in Limassol. Apart from this Andri Eleftheriou is a Greek-Cypriot singer, musician, and actress. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Andri Eleftheriou is mentioned in below section.

Address of Andri Eleftheriou

The address of Andri Eleftheriou is 12 Mavrovouniou, Kalavasos 7740, Cyprus.

Contact Number of Andri Eleftheriou

The contact number of Andri Eleftheriou is +357 96 003473.

Email Address of Andri Eleftheriou

The email address of Andri Eleftheriou is

Website of Andri Eleftheriou

The Website of Andri Eleftheriou is

Contact Person of Andri Eleftheriou

The contact person of Andri Eleftheriou is Andri Eleftheriou.

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