Andreas Neitzel Address and Contact Number

Andreas Neitzel Contact Phone Number is : +49 331 977-4940

and Address is 1/39 St. Andreasberg, Haus 25, St. Andreasberg, Germany
Andreas Neitzel is a former East German male handball player. He was a member of the East Germany national handball team. He was part of the East German team at the 1988 Summer Olympics. Handball player Andreas Neitzel competed at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, but the East German team finished a disappointing seventh. His only three international matches with the GDR national team were at the Olympic Games when he scored four goals. His only three international matches with the GDR national team were at the Olympic Games when he scored four goals. After his retirement from the field contributes in other aspects of the game like floor leadership and giving guidance to the rising stars in this field The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Andreas Neitzel is mentioned in below section.

Address of Andreas Neitzel

The address of Andreas Neitzel is 1/39 St. Andreasberg, Haus 25, St. Andreasberg, Germany.

Contact Number of Andreas Neitzel

The contact number of Andreas Neitzel is +49 331 977-4940.

Email Address of Andreas Neitzel

The email address of Andreas Neitzel is

Website of Andreas Neitzel

The Website of Andreas Neitzel is

Contact Person of Andreas Neitzel

The contact person of Andreas Neitzel is Andreas Neitzel.

Andreas Neitzel Source of Knowledge
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