Ammunition Factory Khadki Address and Contact Number

Ammunition Factory Khadki Contact Phone Number is : 020-25810554, 020-25813855

and Address is Khadki, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Ammunition Factory Khadki is a manufacturing Company of arms and ammunition. The factory was set up in 1869 as the Small Arms manufacturing unit of the British Government. In 1914 it was expanded further and different types of explosives like mercury fulminate, lead azide, lead styphnate and filling of caps, detonators, percussion fuzes & different pyrotechnique stores were started manufacturing at Ammunition Factory Khadki for fulfilling the needs of war in Asia and Africa. The address and contact number of Ammunition Factory Khadki is also used for Ammunition Factory Khadki products, Ammunition Factory Khadki jobs, Ammunition Factory Khadki apprentICEship, Ammunition Factory Khadki tenders, Ammunition Factory Khadki application form, Ammunition Factory Khadki recruitment and Ammunition Factory Khadkirecruitment storekeeper. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ammunition Factory Khadki is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ammunition Factory Khadki

The address of Ammunition Factory Khadki is Khadki, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Contact Number of Ammunition Factory Khadki

The contact number of Ammunition Factory Khadki is 020-25810554, 020-25813855.

Email Address of Ammunition Factory Khadki

The email address of Ammunition Factory Khadki is

Website of Ammunition Factory Khadki

The Website of Ammunition Factory Khadki is .

Ammunition Factory Khadki Address Contact Number
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