Almas Kishkenbayev Address and Contact Number

Almas Kishkenbayev Contact Phone Number is : +7 2020101668 or +7 87478954595

and Address is Street, 7th Entrance, The House of Ministries 010000 Astana, Kazakhstan
Almas Kishkenbayev is a Kazakh singer who rose to popularity after winning SuperStar KZ, the Kazakh version of Pop Idol, shown by Perviy Kanal Evraziya. Almas is also the second only Idol winner who was previously a Wildcard on the show, next to Canada's Ryan Malcolm from Canadian Idol. Almas is also the second only Idol winner who was previously a Wildcard on the show, next to Canada's Ryan Malcolm from Canadian Idol. Almas advanced to the finals as the jury's choice even though he received 3rd highest votes. Almas Kishkenbayev began his musical journey long before the whole of Kazakhstan learned about him. As the lead singer and co-songwriter of duo Savage Garden, and as a solo recording artist in his own right Darren Hayes has held a career spanning two decades. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Almas Kishkenbayev is mentioned in below section.

Address of Almas Kishkenbayev

The address of Almas Kishkenbayev is Street, 7th Entrance, The House of Ministries 010000 Astana, Kazakhstan.

Contact Number of Almas Kishkenbayev

The contact number of Almas Kishkenbayev is +7 2020101668 or +7 87478954595.

Email Address of Almas Kishkenbayev

The email address of Almas Kishkenbayev is

Website of Almas Kishkenbayev

The Website of Almas Kishkenbayev is Not Known.

Contact Person of Almas Kishkenbayev

The contact person of Almas Kishkenbayev is Almas Kishkenbayev.

Almas Kishkenbayev Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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