Aitm Address and Contact Number
Aitm Contact Phone Number is : 01275-398400
and Address is 70 KM Stone, Delhi-Mathura Road, Aurangabad, Dist. Palwal, Haryana (INDIA)Advanced Institute of Technology and Management located in Haryana, India. AITM is the first ever Engineering College in palwal area of Haryana and was founded in the year 2006. It is best place for the Students to pursue their Studies in different Engineering and management Studies. The College offers different courses and teach in best possible way for the better understanding of Students. The College offers various courses in MBA, MCA, BBA, BBA. Dr G.P Dube is the current principal of the Institute. The Institute has well trained and educated teachers for the teachings. The address and contact number of Aitm is also used for Aitm Bhatkal, Aitm College Palwal, Aitm songs, Aitm Ku, Aitm Palwal, Aitm secret confession, Aitm connector and Aitm models. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Aitm is mentioned in below section.
Address of Aitm
The address of Aitm is 70 KM Stone, Delhi-Mathura Road, Aurangabad, Dist. Palwal, Haryana (INDIA).Contact Number of Aitm
The contact number of Aitm is 01275-398400.Email Address of Aitm
The email address of Aitm is of Aitm
The Website of Aitm is this information
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