Aipmt Address and Contact Number
Aipmt Contact Phone Number is : 011-22059683
and Address is Central Board Of Secondary Education 2, Community Centre, Shiksha Kendra CBSE Headquarters, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110301All India Pre-medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT) is conducted by CBSE annually for admission in medical courses in various Institutes of India. Exam has two parts one part is Preliminary Examination, who clears the Preliminary exam can give the second part i.e. Final Examination. The address and contact number of Aipmt is also used for Aipmt admit card, Aipmt Result, Aipmt admit card 2012 online, Aipmt Result 2012, Aipmt final Result, Aipmt hall ticket 2012, Aipmt hall ticket 2012 download and Aipmt mains Result 2011. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Aipmt is mentioned in below section.
Address of Aipmt
The address of Aipmt is Central Board Of Secondary Education 2, Community Centre, Shiksha Kendra CBSE Headquarters, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110301.Contact Number of Aipmt
The contact number of Aipmt is 011-22059683.Email Address of Aipmt
The email address of Aipmt is of Aipmt
The Website of Aipmt is this information
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