Aina Vilberh Address and Contact Number
Aina Vilberh Contact Phone Number is : +1 8157005700
and Address is 2104 Floyd Street NE, Covington, Georgia, USA.Aina Zinovievna Vilberh is a Ukrainian singer, songwriter, vocal teacher and actress. Aina Vilberh is a singer who has been a member of the alternative group Etwas Unders since 2004. She replaced Tatiana, the previous vocalist, after a creative difference. The band has performed in many regional centers of Ukraine and won first prize at the Taras Bulba rock festival. They were also named the Best Alternative Band of Ukraine in 2006 at the Global Battle of the Bands festival. Vilberh teaches singing in a speech position using the Seth Riggs method, which she considers to be the best and most efficient way to achieve vocal success. Vilberh has worked as a vocal coach on television projects such as Fabryka Zirok, ShoumaStgouon, Big Stage, and The Voice of Ukraine. She also prepared participants for the 2013 Eurovision in Baku. Aina Vilberh is a singer, vocal coach, and teacher who has worked with a variety of musical groups and television projects. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Aina Vilberh is mentioned in below section.
Address of Aina Vilberh
The address of Aina Vilberh is 2104 Floyd Street NE, Covington, Georgia, USA..Contact Number of Aina Vilberh
The contact number of Aina Vilberh is +1 8157005700.Email Address of Aina Vilberh
The email address of Aina Vilberh is of Aina Vilberh
The Website of Aina Vilberh is Not Known.Contact Person of Aina Vilberh
The contact person of Aina Vilberh is Aina Vilberh.Email this information
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