Ahmad Wali Address and Contact Number

Ahmad Wali Contact Phone Number is : +1 0311-1222398

and Address is 436 Holly Ln in Hayward, CA. United States of Americ.
Ahmad Wali is an Afghan Ghazal singer. He began his career in the 1970s, becoming popular in his native country before he was forced to flee by political upheaval in Afghanistan.Ahmad Wali is a famous Afghan singer and musician, who gained popularity from his collaboration with his ex-wife and fellow Afghan singer, Hangama. He continued his work after resettling in Germany, performing throughout Europe and North America. For many years, he has delivered joy and inspiration with his artistic talent, deep sense of patriotism, humanitarian efforts. His faith in God, as well as his love for his country and fellow Afghans are represented in his numerous songs and records produced over the years in exile. From 1967 to 1978, Ahmad Wali recorded numerous famous songs at Afghanistan's National Radio and Television Station. He now resides in USA, having emigrated from Afghanistan to Germany and then subsequently to the Americas due to the political turmoil of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ahmad Wali is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ahmad Wali

The address of Ahmad Wali is 436 Holly Ln in Hayward, CA. United States of Americ..

Contact Number of Ahmad Wali

The contact number of Ahmad Wali is +1 0311-1222398.

Email Address of Ahmad Wali

The email address of Ahmad Wali is ahmadwalimusic@gmail.com.

Website of Ahmad Wali

The Website of Ahmad Wali is www.ahmadwalimusic.com.

Contact Person of Ahmad Wali

The contact person of Ahmad Wali is Ahmad Wali.

Ahmad Wali Source of Knowledge

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