Shepard Hall Ccny Address and Contact Number

Shepard Hall Ccny Contact Phone Number is : +1212-650-7000

and Address is 160 Convent Avenue, The City College of New York, Broadway, USA
Shepard Hall is one of the buildings of the City College of New York and is sitauted at the North Campus of the College. It is built in Neo Gothic style of architecture and the largest building on the Campus is also the striking feature. It has the appearance of the Gothic cathedral and houses Great Hall, a assembly chapel hall, School of Architecture, Lanscape Architecture and Urban Design, Division of Humanities several departments, music library and offICEs of the Alumni Association. The address and contact number of Shepard Hall Ccny is also used for Shepard Hall northwestern, Shepard Hall city and library Shepard Hall. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Shepard Hall Ccny is mentioned in below section.

Address of Shepard Hall Ccny

The address of Shepard Hall Ccny is 160 Convent Avenue, The City College of New York, Broadway, USA.

Contact Number of Shepard Hall Ccny

The contact number of Shepard Hall Ccny is +1212-650-7000.

Email Address of Shepard Hall Ccny

The email address of Shepard Hall Ccny is .

Website of Shepard Hall Ccny

The Website of Shepard Hall Ccny is

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Shepard Hall Ccny Address Contact Number
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