Pratunam Market Address and Contact Number

Pratunam Market Contact Phone Number is : +6622557072

and Address is Ratchathewi, Thailand
Pratunam Market is the Famous market of Bangkok and also it is recognized as the Thailand’s big clothing destination throughout the Country. In the Market, there are several retail shops as well as outdoor stalls which provide best clothing range and quality. The market is situated at the T-junction of Ratchaprarop and Phetburi Roads in the Ratchathewi district. Many tourists has Stated that the market sells the products like clothing, fabrics, crafts, watches, etc at cheap prICEs. Restaurants and food stalls are also integrated in to the market and they provide good quality food and different cuisines to suit everybody’s taste. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Pratunam Market is mentioned in below section.

Address of Pratunam Market

The address of Pratunam Market is Ratchathewi, Thailand.

Contact Number of Pratunam Market

The contact number of Pratunam Market is +6622557072.

Email Address of Pratunam Market

The email address of Pratunam Market is .

Website of Pratunam Market

The Website of Pratunam Market is .

Pratunam Market Address Contact Number
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