Manchester Mela Address and Contact Number

Manchester Mela Contact Phone Number is : +44-161-256-4518, +44-7734-759577, Fax:+44-161-257-0003

and Address is 612A Stockport Road, Longsight, Manchester-M13 0RQ, United Kingdom
Manchester Mela is the most Famous fair of the United Kingdom which is publicly called as Manchester Mega Mela. It is the South Asian Culture's biggest festival and celebration which is organized every year in the North of England. The main attractions of the Manchester Mega Mela is food, Music, traditional arts, dance and crafts. Since 1989, the Manchester Mela Executive Committee is the organizer of the Manchester Mela. The committee has been established by the 5 South Asian countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Manchester Mela is mentioned in below section.

Address of Manchester Mela

The address of Manchester Mela is 612A Stockport Road, Longsight, Manchester-M13 0RQ, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Manchester Mela

The contact number of Manchester Mela is +44-161-256-4518, +44-7734-759577, Fax:+44-161-257-0003.

Email Address of Manchester Mela

The email address of Manchester Mela is,

Website of Manchester Mela

The Website of Manchester Mela is

Manchester Mela Source of Knowledge
Manchester Mela Address Contact Number
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