Justus Lipsius Address and Contact Number

Justus Lipsius Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Overijse, Belgium
Justus Lipsius was a Philologist and humanist from Southern Netherland. He was born on October 18, 1547 in Overijse, Brabant. He studied in the University of Louvain and later worked as a teacher for a period of one year in the University of Jena. He also taught in the University of Leiden and Leuven and he wrote a series of works to revive ancient Stoicism which influenced a large number of contemporary thinkers. The periods of his greatest productivity in academic career were at Leiden where he remained for a period of eleven years. As a Professor of Latin in the Collegium Buslidianum he settled at Leuven and died at Leuven on March 23, 1606. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Justus Lipsius is mentioned in below section.

Address of Justus Lipsius

The address of Justus Lipsius is Overijse, Belgium.

Contact Number of Justus Lipsius

The contact number of Justus Lipsius is NA.

Email Address of Justus Lipsius

The email address of Justus Lipsius is .

Website of Justus Lipsius

The Website of Justus Lipsius is .

Contact Person of Justus Lipsius

The contact person of Justus Lipsius is Justus Lipsius.

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