Iowa Statehouse Address and Contact Number

Iowa Statehouse Contact Phone Number is : 515-281-5591

and Address is 1007 E Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa, 50319, United States
The Iowa Statehouse is located in Des Moines, Iowa, United States of America. The Iowa State Capitol is an offICE of the Governor, as well as Auditor, Attorney General, Treasurer and Secretary of State. The building construction work was started in 1871 which was completed in the year of 1886, and it is spread on 17 acres area in Iowa. In this building has an administrative offICE and cafeteria. The building of the Iowa State house is very beautiful, which has been made by using the 29 types of marble. Approximately $41 million has been spent for the construction of this building. The address and contact number of Iowa Statehouse is also used for Iowa State legislature, Iowa State assembly, State of Iowa legislative page and Iowa legislative code. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Iowa Statehouse is mentioned in below section.

Address of Iowa Statehouse

The address of Iowa Statehouse is 1007 E Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa, 50319, United States.

Contact Number of Iowa Statehouse

The contact number of Iowa Statehouse is 515-281-5591.

Email Address of Iowa Statehouse

The email address of Iowa Statehouse is .

Website of Iowa Statehouse

The Website of Iowa Statehouse is

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Iowa Statehouse Address Contact Number
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