Himuda Address and Contact Number

Himuda Contact Phone Number is : (91) 01772623860

and Address is Nigam Vihar, Shimla-171002, (H.P), India
HIMUDA was founded in the year 1972 which was located in Nigam Vihar, Shimla-171002,(H.P), India. HIMUDA is originally named as Himachal Pradesh Housing & Urban Development Authority. It has solves the housing problems of People of Himachal Pradesh. Ganesh Dutt is the chairman of the HIMUDA. The Authority has provides many schemes such as Self Financing Schemes, PolICE Personnel, Social Housing Schemes, Rental Housing Schemes for HP Govt employees. It has also different Departments like Tourism, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Urban Development, HIPA , Education, Social JustICE and Empowerment, PolICE, Department of Sports and Youth Services, Prison, health, Horticulture etc. The address and contact number of Himuda is also used for Himuda new schemes, Himuda plots, Himuda survey and Himuda Baddi.

Fax Number:-(91)-01772620521 The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Himuda is mentioned in below section.

Address of Himuda

The address of Himuda is Nigam Vihar, Shimla-171002, (H.P), India.

Contact Number of Himuda

The contact number of Himuda is (91) 01772623860.

Email Address of Himuda

The email address of Himuda is info@himuda.com.

Website of Himuda

The Website of Himuda is www.himuda.com.

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Himuda Address Contact Number
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