Gmex Manchester Address and Contact Number

Gmex Manchester Contact Phone Number is : +44-161-834-2700, Fax:+44-161-833-3168

and Address is Windmill Street, Manchester M2 3GX, United Kingdom
G-MEX Manchester was opened in the year 1986 which is the most Famous venue for exhibitions, events, conferences and other activities. Its name was moved into the Manchester Central Convention Complex in the year 2007. It was previously known Manchester Central railway Station established in the year 1880. The Manchester Central provides ideal venue for major events to the organizers, exhibitors and visitors with the State-of-the-art facilities. It is owned by the Manchester City Council that is spread in 115,500 square feet area. The address and contact number of Gmex Manchester is also used for Gmex Manchester Tickets , Gmex Manchester Beauty Show, Gmex Manchester Jobs, Gmex Manchester parking , Gmex Manchester Car park and Gmex Manchester Cinema Listings. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Gmex Manchester is mentioned in below section.

Address of Gmex Manchester

The address of Gmex Manchester is Windmill Street, Manchester M2 3GX, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Gmex Manchester

The contact number of Gmex Manchester is +44-161-834-2700, Fax:+44-161-833-3168.

Email Address of Gmex Manchester

The email address of Gmex Manchester is

Website of Gmex Manchester

The Website of Gmex Manchester is

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Gmex Manchester Address Contact Number
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