Farzana Shakil Address and Contact Number

Farzana Shakil Contact Phone Number is : 8837450

and Address is Pink City, Suite 6, Level 7, Plot -15, Road - 103, Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Farzana Shakil is a beauty salon situated at 103 road, Gulshan 2, Dhaka, Bangladesh. This beauty Salon is offering a variety of Services such as hair styling, threading, waxing, manicures, bridal make ups, pedicures, facials and many more. It has two branches namely Dhanmondi Branch and Gulshan Branch. The address and contact number of Farzana Shakil is also used for Farzana Shakil gulshan, Farzana Shakil hair & beauty, Farzana Shakil makeup and party makeup by Farzana Shakil.

Dhanmondi Branch is located at 28 old Road Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh
contact number: 9116057
Gulshan Branch is located at 5 Road, Gulshan 1, Dhaka, Bangladesh
contact number: 8837450 The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Farzana Shakil is mentioned in below section.

Address of Farzana Shakil

The address of Farzana Shakil is Pink City, Suite 6, Level 7, Plot -15, Road - 103, Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.

Contact Number of Farzana Shakil

The contact number of Farzana Shakil is 8837450.

Email Address of Farzana Shakil

The email address of Farzana Shakil is .

Website of Farzana Shakil

The Website of Farzana Shakil is .

Farzana Shakil Address Contact Number
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Ms. NasreenOct 16, 2013
My daughter's wedding is in January 2014 and I am looking forward to make up, hair, jewellery and sari and lehenga dress up on both the events namely holud and wedding personally by you. She lives out of country and will come to Dhaka in 1st week of January. I am also out of country presently. How can I book an appointment with you and what are the approximate charges for both the events package;range will be fine if you cannot specify the exact figure.
I am hoping to hear from you soon.

Thanks and best regards- please email me
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