Fallingwater Pa Address and Contact Number

Fallingwater Pa Contact Phone Number is : +1 724-329-8501

and Address is 1491 Mill Run Road Mill Run, Pennsylvania 15464, United States
Fallingwater is a guest house. Fallingwater is also known as Kaufmann Residence. It is located in Pennsylvania, United States. The house was made in between 1936–1939. The architect of the fallingwater is Frank Lloyd Wright. It is spread in an area of about 4,935 acre. The architectural style of the fallingwater is Modern Architecture. It attracts more than 135,000 visitors in every year. The house was redesigned on May 23, 1966. It is one of the most Lovely attraction houses in the united States. The address and contact number of Fallingwater Pa is also used for Fallingwater Pa Hotels, Fallingwater Pa weather forecast, Fallingwater Pa map, Fallingwater Pa lodging, Fallingwater review and frank lloyd Wright Pa.

The opening hours are Monday to Sunday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Fallingwater Pa is mentioned in below section.

Address of Fallingwater Pa

The address of Fallingwater Pa is 1491 Mill Run Road Mill Run, Pennsylvania 15464, United States.

Contact Number of Fallingwater Pa

The contact number of Fallingwater Pa is +1 724-329-8501.

Email Address of Fallingwater Pa

The email address of Fallingwater Pa is .

Website of Fallingwater Pa

The Website of Fallingwater Pa is www.fallingwater.org.

Fallingwater Pa Source of Knowledge

Fallingwater Pa Address Contact Number
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