Cdlu Sirsa Address and Contact Number

Cdlu Sirsa Contact Phone Number is : (1666) 248052

and Address is Sirsa, Haryana
CDLU Sirsa or Chaudhary Devi Lal University is the Educational institution located in Sirsa. The University was commenced on 2nd April 2003. It has 16 teaching departments namely: BioTechnology, Food science and Technology Chemistry, Physics, Energy and Environmental Sciences, Computer Science and Mathematics. The University is affiliated to UGC. It offers 40 courses in arts, Science, IT and management. The University provides a board range of facilities like 100 class rooms, 87 houses, four hostels and ATM facility. The address and contact number of Cdlu Sirsa is also used for Cdlu Sirsa phd admission, Cdlu Sirsa jobs, Cdlu Sirsa b ed Result and Cdlu Sirsa Result. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cdlu Sirsa is mentioned in below section.

Address of Cdlu Sirsa

The address of Cdlu Sirsa is Sirsa, Haryana.

Contact Number of Cdlu Sirsa

The contact number of Cdlu Sirsa is (1666) 248052.

Email Address of Cdlu Sirsa

The email address of Cdlu Sirsa is .

Website of Cdlu Sirsa

The Website of Cdlu Sirsa is

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Cdlu Sirsa Address Contact Number
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