Bcs Mall Batam Address and Contact Number

Bcs Mall Batam Contact Phone Number is : +62 (778) 7435500. Fax : +62 (778) 7435555

and Address is Jalan Engku Putri, Bunga Raya, Indonesia
BCS Mall is referred as Batam City Square Mall which is located in the heart of the JI. Bunga Raya, Baloi Indonesia. Being an prestigious shopping center, the mall is visited by the number of visitors throughout the year. Most of its visitors are the civilians of Batam City. BCS Mall includes stores like JC Supermarket, Truly Departmental store, Gramedia books store, Cinema 21, KFC and much more. Moreover, the mall is also having Children playground, Internet zone, Video games area, Bowling, Food Court, and other tenants. In other words, the BCS Mall is a complete destination to play and shop. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bcs Mall Batam is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bcs Mall Batam

The address of Bcs Mall Batam is Jalan Engku Putri, Bunga Raya, Indonesia.

Contact Number of Bcs Mall Batam

The contact number of Bcs Mall Batam is +62 (778) 7435500. Fax : +62 (778) 7435555.

Email Address of Bcs Mall Batam

The email address of Bcs Mall Batam is .

Website of Bcs Mall Batam

The Website of Bcs Mall Batam is www.batam.com.

Bcs Mall Batam Source of Knowledge

Bcs Mall Batam Address Contact Number
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Mr. Joe ChanJul 18, 2022
Dear Sir or Madam

I am Joe Chan from Singapore and recently I had made some purchases from your store I'll appreciate it very much if you tell me what is this item, "CD Rider Spandex BR/MR R310 L". The receipt number is KS08 - 157 963 and the Kasir was Irene Niga Lega. Thank.
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